Friday, 10 September 2010

Unreal Engine 3 Powers NASA?s ?Moonbase Alpha?

NASA?s new online game ?Moonbase Alpha,? developed with Unreal Engine 3 by Virtual Heroes, launches today free of charge on Valve?s Steam network.

?Moonbase Alpha? is the precursor to NASA’s UE3-powered online game "Astronaut: Moon, Mars & Beyond," in which players will take on astronaut roles and explore the moon and other outer space locations in a virtual environment.

According to the press release:

The game has single and multiplayer options that allow participants to step into the role of an exploration team member in a futuristic 3-D lunar settlement. Players must work to restore critical systems and oxygen flow after a meteor strike cripples a solar array and life support equipment. Available resources include an interactive command center, lunar rover, mobile robotic repair units and a fully-stocked equipment shed.

The game is a proof of concept to show how NASA content can be combined with a cutting-edge game engine to inspire, engage and educate students about agency technologies, job opportunities and the future of space exploration. Moonbase Alpha is rated "E" for everyone.

It is the first game in NASA’s Learning Technologies project. The project supports the delivery of NASA content through interactive technologies such as virtual worlds, games and software applications to enhance science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, education.