Sony Online Entertainment has launched a new social game called Wildlife Refuge, its third Facebook release and the first one based on an original property.
In this casual title, players build a refuge and care for exotic animals in Africa. They can customize the shelter, explore a safari, discover new breeds, interact with neighbors, protect the habitat from poachers and other dangers, and more.
When Wildlife Refuge players spend Station Cash (SOE's virtual currency) to purchase in-game goods like a Cheetah Statue or a Baby Cheetah, the publisher will donate half of the proceeds to non-profit groups like the Cheetah Conservation Fund and Cheetah Kids.
This release follows two other games SOE has brought to Facebook, both related to established or upcoming properties, The Agency: Covert Ops and PoxNora. Neither have found much success on the social network and have a combined total of some 16,000 monthly active users.
"Wildlife Refuge has so much to offer by way of educating players about endangered animals, and we're pleased to be able to translate that into real-life action by contributing to the Cheetah Conservation Fund and Cheetah Kids," says SOE president John Smedley, president of SOE.
He adds, "With these collaborations, we're proud to contribute to causes while providing an engaging gaming experience."